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Canada's Leading supplier of incontinence products.

Canada's Leading supplier of incontinence products.

Types of Incontinence

Types of Incontinence
  • Stress Incontinence – This is the involuntary loss of urine when the abdomen is under stress. For example, when coughing or laughing, there is an involuntary loss of urine.
  • Urge Incontinence – This is typically experienced as a sudden strong need to urinate. For example, feeling a strong urge to get to the bathroom and experiencing a loss of urine before reaching the toilet.
  • Overflow Incontinence – This occurs when the bladder does not empty completely and causes urine to leak out.
  • Reflex Incontinence – This is the loss of urine without any awareness.
  • Mixed Incontinence – This is the combination of urge and stress incontinence.

Healthy Bladder Tips

  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Limit tobacco intake
  • Maintain normal weight
  • Maintain good fluid intake (8—10 glasses daily)
  • Limit foods high in acid content (i.e.... Tomatoes)
  • Exercise on a regular basis
  • Practice pelvic floor exercises regularly (Kegel exercises)
  • Practice bladder retraining
  • Limit caffeine intake

Common Myths About Incontinence

Myth:  Losing bladder function is just part of getting older.
Fact:    Incontinence is not a part of aging.  If you need help getting started in promoting a health bladder, ask you health care professional.

Myth:  Decreasing fluid intake will decrease the degree of incontinence.
Fact:    Decreased fluid intake irritates the bladder.  This promotes an increased need to urinate and may promote urinary tract infections.

Myth: Practicing healthy tips for bladder control does not work.
Fact: The healthy tips are effective.  If you have trouble, please make an appointment with a Nurse Continence Advisor or a family physician for further assessment.

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